Speaking Topics

Learn How to Human Better (in a Pandemic!)

Even in normal times, we aren't always wise as to how often we go dark inside our own heads. Not to mention the fact that we have little clue as to where our (inner) light switch is on an average day. So imagine NOW, in the middle of a pandemic! In this event, Alyssa sheds answers on how to “human better.” If Fedex, Google, and Snap(!) can be verbs, why not human? In this webinar, you’ll learn the top tips for managing your mind and getting yourself into the right actions each and every day during this time.

Designing Your Life

Anywhere you have success in your life, whether you got that degree, that position, that promotion, quit sugar, raised children on your own — no matter the adversity — you had a dream. You saw into the future, took the right actions, and made it happen. Whether you sat down, wrote it, and were clear about it, or not....Maybe, you even thought, it was your destiny. BUT what if “destiny” was not some fluffy disposable term, but simply your end game. In this conversation, Alyssa wakes you up to get in the right fight and create an action plan for your life to ensure its happiness AND success.

Mastering Time

Is time not on your side? Do your days feel like a battle to beat the clock, make deadlines, uphold standing commitments, prioritize chores, and avoid seemingly unavoidable distractions? If any of this rings true (and it’s not your reminder alarm), join Alyssa Rocco at this workshop to discover simple, fun solutions to help you achieve the mastery of time.

Developing Accountability in Yourself and Others “Accountability”

The ability to manage oneself and others, to keep and maintain agreements, goals, or deliverables, is the result of a “no-excuses” mindset. In this seminar, Alyssa teaches the language of accountability, which minimizes drama, excuses, explanations, and justifications. Managers are trained to hold their direct reports to account without bullying or using force. The political and personal is eliminated, enabling results to soar.

Having Challenging Conversations Often

Our most important relationships tend to be the most complex. At times, effective communication is taken for granted. At other times, we avoid important conversations because we predict how the communication will go even before it has occurred. In this class, Alyssa offers you tools for cultivating communication skills in a clear, direct, and simple manner, and how to maintain communication in your interactions with others.

Professional Speaking Engagements

  • Columbia University - “Developing Accountability in Yourself and Others” and “Having Challenging Conversations” (2019)

  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology - “Designing Your Life” followed by a 7-8 week continuation program (2014-2020)

  • Humanities Preparatory Academy - “Designing Your Life” for high school students, freshman to senior year (2020)

  • Western New England University - “Designing Your Life” for over 100 college aged students (2015)

  • Silman - “Design Your Life. Design Your Year” lunch and learn for corporate executives (2019)

  • Jewish Community Center (JCC @ Manhattan) - many events including “Design Your Year” and “Managing Time” (2014-2020)

  • General Assembly, Boston - “Mastering Time, From Home No Less!” (2020)

  • J-Date: Resident relationship and dating coach for JDate, providing monthly webinars for the most popular Jewish dating app.

  • Center for Social Innovation, New York - “Rock Your Body” (2015)